Saturday, April 20, 2013
Hooked on Supplies!
Supplies, supplies, supplies! In our classroom, we have some "community" supplies that are shared and also individual student supplies that are kept in bags. We call our shared supplies "tool boxes." We call our individual supplies, "tool bags." Well, my genius husband came up with a solution for our individual student tool bags!
Just put some of these "c" hooks under the corners of your student tables. Students can easily hang their tool bags from the hooks.
Now, the bags are not in the way, This allows easy access to the tools without having to go to a cubby to get them out. Moreover, students carry their individual tool bags to art class, to other classrooms when we collaborate for reading and writing, and while working on group projects in the classroom.
What an easy solution, right? Who knew these little hooks could make a teacher's life easier! Wish I would have thought of it! A BIG thank you to my husband for this brilliant idea!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Final Field Trip
I had a great time today seeing the play "Cinderella Kids." It went right along with our Common Core Standards Unit 6: Around the World With a Glass Slipper!" My class really enjoyed the production!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
My Teacher Scrapbook
Now you know what I have been working on over Spring Break!
When I first started teaching, I had an idea to create a scrapbook that would include all of the students I ever taught. By just completing a two-page spread of my class from each school year, I have been able to keep up with this for the past 15 years! This picture was from my first year of teaching! Oh my, look at that hair!
I even included pictures of displays we created together as a class.
Any ah yes, the pirate teacher. The Pirate Day Tradition still lives on to this day! It is how we end our school year!
I will complete this album by adding a picture of me on the last day that I teach on the front cover inside the apple (probably with lots of gray hair!) I cannot tell you how thankful I am that I started doing this way back when! Looking back at all of the students that I have taught is definitely something I treasure! I highly recommend making an album of such! I know that one day I'll be sitting in my rocking chair reminiscing about the good ole days as a teacher! :)
Friday, April 12, 2013
"Words of the World"
Word Wall Words...We refer to these are our "Words of the World" in our space-themed classroom. We have cheers for each word that becomes a "Word of the World."
For the past two years, I have put our current words of study in a pocket chart. This has allowed students to interact more with the words to reinforce recognition and spelling of words. For example, during Writer's Workshop, students may take a word from the pocket chart back to their table to assist with spelling. They know to put it back when they are finished in case another student needs the same word. When students from other countries are part of our class or move from a different state, we add their place of origin as one of our special "Words of the World." We also play different games like "Train Tuesday" and "Word of the World Word Find" on Fridays. As the year goes on, we "retire" older words to our cabinet "Word Wall." This way the words are still visible year-round, as word cheers are practiced and reinforced through different activities on a daily basis.
For 15-20 minutes a day, we focus specifically on these words. Then these words are integrated throughout the day in all subject areas. You'll notice some of our phonics "hunks and chunks" cards in the chart as well. Students do similar activities with our phonics cards. We are close to our goal of 100 "Words of the World!" Whew...this year is flying by! :)
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Future Presidents and Famous Americans!
We just completed our ELA Unit 5: American Contributions.
During this six week unit, the students had two weeks to complete a Famous American project. Each student drew out the name of a Famous American. Then students had to research their chosen person at home, create a special badge necklace, complete a Quilt Square, and complete a mini conversation project with their Famous American. On the day the projects were due, students wore their special badges and presented their research to the rest of the class. As the students shared, they glued their Quilt Square to "Our Famous American Quilt."

We studied American Symbols the first week, then moved onto the Presidents. We focused on George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and our current President. Students worked in small groups to complete a variety of activities and projects with these Famous Americans.

I heard of this idea where you create student silhouettes, mount on construction paper, and title the hallway display "Future Presidents." The students also wrote about how "they would be, have, and want" if elected President. These were much easier to do than I originally thought. The most difficult part was cutting out the silhouettes. I will surely do this activity again next year-the students loved it!
The development of units and activities that go along with the Common Core Standards are so worth the time and effort that goes into them! I have seen an incredible difference in the way my students think and learn. Hence, that is the motivation that keeps this teacher creating new units! Anything to perhaps make them Famous Americans someday!
Teaching To The Moon And Back!
Welcome to my new blog! I started blogging as "Tiny Treasures by T" at and now am ready to make this my official teaching blog! I don't know about you, but I am a "theme" oriented person. My classroom themes have gone from dogs to dinosaurs, then to the pond, and now into space! Here are a few pictures from my classroom this year. Below: "The Command Center" :)
"My Teacher Lesson Plan Binder Cover"
The Astronaut of the Week Desk
Our Learning Targets and Space Stations (Centers) Board
Our Classroom Passes (Free Download at my TPT Store)
"Mission Control"
I already have plans for some changes/ additions to our room for next year. Keep the sharing going! ~Tava
Work in progress!
Hello visiting friends! This blog will be fully operational soon! This will be my official teaching blog, as I am switching my other blog to just scrapbooking and crafts (my hobbies). Thanks for your patience! ~Tava :)
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